lundi 6 janvier 2014

J'ai regardé une vidéo sur youtube aujourd'hui qui m'a fait sortir de mes gonds. M'a donné envie de me révolter. Faisons la révolution, vous et moi.

Le monde change. Les femmes ne sont pas des objets. Personne ne devrait être considéré comme un objet,d'ailleurs. Les gens ne rentrent pas des cases, ils ne rentrerons jamais dans des cases.

Les mots me manquent alors je prête volontiers les rênes à Hank Green et son commentaire glorieux en réponse à la vidéo:

I understand why this is not immediately obvious to you. But this is a really problematic way to talk about women, especially considering that your audience is mostly young women. Implied in a lot of what you're saying is that women exist to appeal to you, and if they keep hearing messages like this, the young women who look up to you and watch your videos will begin to see themselves that way as well.

I know it doesn't seem like it to you, but telling women that they have to shave their arm hair to appeal to you isn't just offensive, it's actually abusive. It's a terrible thing to say to a person...let alone a collection of 300,000 people.

You have a responsibility with your newfound audience. There are a lot of people paying attention to what you say, and you have the power to make them feel better about themselves or worse about themselves. Consider what impact you want to have before you make a video like this. And, in a perfect world, consider taking this video down and uploading a different one.

Ps: La vidéo en question est intitulée "WHAT GUYS LOOK FOR IN A GIRL"

3 commentaires:

  1. Je suis avec toi pour la révolution.

  2. Don't worry ! Some boys think different !!

    Just kidding, we're all assholes.

    1. Oh, okay, that makes sense then. :)
      I do know dudes who don't think like that...And women who do. Everything is relative I guess.
